Sharbel Husbany, acclaimed beauty director and creative.

Portrait of Sharbel Hasbany

Sharbel, your passion for beauty is evident. Can you share a personal story about what initially drew you to makeup artistry?

I entered the makeup industry through a passion that grew into a career. From experimenting with makeup as a teenager to studying beauty techniques online, my fascination with the artistry and self-expression of makeup led me to take professional makeup courses. Over time, I gained hands-on experience by working on friends and family, which eventually opened doors to freelance makeup gigs and collaborations. This journey allowed me to combine my creative flair with my love for helping others enhance their natural beauty, making makeup a fulfilling and rewarding profession for me.

Throughout your career, what personal attributes do you feel have been most critical to your success in the competitive world of beauty and makeup?

In the makeup industry, my success can be attributed to a combination of several key qualities and attributes. Firstly, my creativity and artistic vision enable me to conceptualize and execute a wide range of makeup looks, from subtle and natural to bold and avant-garde. Attention to detail is another critical trait, ensuring flawless application and precision. Additionally, my excellent interpersonal skills and ability to understand and meet the unique preferences of clients have allowed me to build a strong and loyal customer base. Continuous learning and adaptability are also pivotal, as I stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in the ever-evolving makeup industry. These attributes, along with my passion and dedication, have played a significant role in my success and influence in the makeup industry.

Your portfolio showcases a diverse array of styles. Is there a particular experience or individual who has significantly influenced your aesthetic?

Working on MIA was something special for me even when i don’t brag about it but it was a big inspiration back in my early days

Can you share a moment from your career that felt particularly transformative for you, not just professionally but personally as well?

Working in Mumbai and later in Bangkok was a transformative experience that significantly shifted my career away from the Middle Eastern aesthetics that had initially shaped my makeup journey. In Mumbai, the vibrant heart of the Bollywood scene, I was exposed to a diverse array of makeup styles and cultural influences, which challenged and expanded my skillset. The demand for dramatic and bold looks in Bollywood pushed me to experiment with new techniques and explore a more versatile approach to makeup. Subsequently, my move to Bangkok introduced me to the world of Southeast Asian beauty, where subtlety and precision were paramount. These shifts in both artistic demands and cultural perspectives broadened my horizons and allowed me to become a more adaptable and globally-influenced makeup artist, helping me transcend the boundaries of my initial Middle Eastern esthetics and making my career truly international.

How do you maintain your well-being and creativity in an industry that is constantly evolving and can be quite demanding?

Maintaining well-being and nurturing creativity in the ever-evolving and demanding makeup industry is a delicate balancing act that I've learned to master. Self-care practices play a vital role, ensuring that I have the physical and mental stamina required. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ample rest are essential to keep my energy levels up. Creativity, on the other hand, is fueled by constant learning and staying attuned to industry trends. I attend workshops, watch tutorials, and experiment with new products to keep my skills fresh and innovative. Finding inspiration in everyday life and different cultures also sparks my creativity. Additionally, I've developed strong time management and stress-reduction techniques to handle the industry's demands effectively by building a beauty team.

Have you ever experienced a beauty mishap during a major event or with a client? How did you handle the situation?

One day, I faced a challenging situation with a particular client that tested my professionalism in the makeup industry. During a high-profile photoshoot, the client expressed dissatisfaction with the makeup look I had created. Their vision was different from what I had interpreted, leading to a moment of tension and frustration on set. However, rather than getting defensive, I took a deep breath and engaged in open communication. I calmly listened to their concerns, acknowledged their perspective, and asked for specific details on what they wanted to change. I then made the necessary adjustments, demonstrating flexibility and a commitment to meeting their expectations. Ultimately, the client appreciated my willingness to collaborate and adapt, and we successfully completed the shoot to their satisfaction. This experience taught me the importance of maintaining composure and effective communication, even in challenging situations, which is a fundamental aspect of professionalism in the makeup industry.

As a beauty director, you must collaborate with many different personalities. How do you navigate the creative conflicts that can arise during collaborations?

Navigating creative conflicts during makeup collaborations with diverse personalities requires a delicate balance of diplomacy and assertiveness. In the dynamic world of beauty and fashion, clashes of artistic vision can be quite common. When faced with such conflicts, I approach them with an open mind and a willingness to listen. I believe that active communication is key to resolving disagreements. I make an effort to understand the other person's perspective and express my own ideas clearly. If the creative differences persist, I seek compromise by finding common ground or integrating elements from both visions. Remaining adaptable and flexible is crucial, as it allows me to adapt my skills to the unique demands of each collaboration. Ultimately, I've learned that embracing the diversity of personalities and artistic perspectives in the makeup industry can lead to innovative and exciting results, even when conflicts arise.

What's the most cherished piece of feedback you've ever received from someone you've worked with?

The most cherished feedback I've received from a client: 'Your makeup not only enhanced my beauty, but it also boosted my confidence. You have a magical touch, and I felt like the best version of myself. Thank you for making me shine inside and out.

In your downtime, how do you enjoy the simpler pleasures in life? Do you have any hobbies that might surprise us?

In my downtime im embracing the art of pole dance as my unique form of self-expression and staying fit. Elevating both body and soul, one spin at a time.

The connection between artist and muse is profound. Can you tell us about someone who has been your muse and why?

Bella Hadid, as a Palestinian model, embodies the spirit of resilience and cultural pride that resonates with me on a personal level. Her journey to success in the fashion world, while celebrating her Palestinian heritage, is incredibly inspiring. She has broken barriers and challenged stereotypes, proving that one's roots should be a source of strength rather than an obstacle. Her presence in the industry serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring models with diverse backgrounds.

On the other hand, Pat McGrath, as the owner of her eponymous makeup brand, is a trailblazer and visionary in the beauty world. Her innovative approach to cosmetics, embracing diversity and inclusivity, has revolutionized the industry. As a makeup artist and brand owner, she has redefined beauty standards and created products that cater to a wide range of skin tones. Pat McGrath's artistry and entrepreneurship inspire me to continuously push the boundaries of makeup art and aspire to make a positive impact in the industry, just as she has. Both Bella Hadid and Pat McGrath serve as powerful influences in my journey as a makeup artist.

Could you share an instance where your work in beauty had a profound impact on someone else's life?

As a makeup artist, I've had the privilege of witnessing a new generation of young artists who are inspired by my experiences and makeup looks. It's incredibly rewarding to see them embrace bold and unique styles, unafraid to express their creativity and individuality. I hope to continue serving as a source of inspiration for these emerging talents, encouraging them to push boundaries and explore the endless possibilities within the realm of makeup artistry.

In an industry focused on external beauty, how do you cultivate inner beauty within yourself and encourage it in others?

In an industry often fixated on external beauty, I find it essential to cultivate inner beauty as well. I believe that true beauty radiates from within, stemming from qualities like kindness, confidence, and empathy. To nurture this inner beauty in myself, I practice self-care, mindfulness, and maintain a positive outlook. Additionally, I encourage others to embrace their unique qualities and focus on their self-worth. By fostering self-confidence and self-love, I hope to inspire those around me to recognize that beauty extends far beyond appearances, ultimately leading to a more empowered and compassionate community within the beauty industry and beyond.

Everyone has a signature touch in their craft. What's a signature Sharbel Hawsbany touch that you often incorporate into your work?

My signature touch in makeup is characterized by a seamless blend of elegance and edginess. I love to play with contrasting elements, combining classic beauty techniques with bold, unconventional choices. Whether it's a striking smoky eye paired with a nude lip or a vivid, artistic twist on a traditional look, my approach always aims to captivate and leave a lasting impression. This fusion of timeless sophistication and contemporary innovation sets my makeup style apart, celebrating the dynamic and transformative nature of beauty.

Looking back at when you first started, what advice would you now give to your younger self?

Believe in your abilities and trust your instincts. You are capable of achieving more than you can imagine, so never underestimate your own potential.

We're eager to hear about any upcoming projects. Can you give us a hint or sneak peek into any new ventures you're exploring?

Keeping my future plans close to the chest, because I believe in the power of time to unveil the grand surprises hahaha but mostly I can say that I’m working on expanding in Europe and it’s happening… slowly, slowly.

Sharbel’s work has been published in the world’s leading magazines and he has worked with international brands as a beauty director and creative lead. Sharbel and his exceptional, authentic creative eye and technique is available for GCC projects.

See his portfolio here


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